Cardio-Oncology Unit Heidelberg

german version

Part of the Department for Cardiology, University Hospital of Heidelberg


Lorenz Lehmann, MD

Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg

Phone: 06221-56-8885

Fax: 06221-56-5235


Modern therapeutic strategies can effectively combat cancer in many cases. However, potential harmful side effects can damage the cardiac muscle (cardiotoxicity). As a result, cardiovascular problems such as heart failure, thrombosis or pulmonary embolism can develop.

More recent data indicate that not only tumor therapies but also the oncological disease itself can have negative effects on cardiac function.

Since 2014, our dedicated team in the Department of Cardiology has been providing careful cardiological monitoring of patients before, during or after a cancer diagnosis and potentially cardiotoxic systemic therapy. Cardio-oncology thus contributes to the best possible outcome and helps to determine individual treatment concepts. In addition to the clinical care of patients, a major focus is on scientific questions, such as interactions between cancer and the heart or the molecular basis of cardiotoxic effects of cancer therapies. This is investigated in both clinical and basic research projects.


12/2024: Jannek Brauer from our group gives a comprehensive overview of preclinical models and the critical signalling pathways of cardio-oncological issues in breast cancer. ->

11/2024: Congratulations to Markus Heckmann for his work on arrhythmias during thoracic radiotherapy. The basis was a targeted interrogation of pacemaker protocols of patients undergoing radiotherapy and control groups. Click here for the publication ->

10/2024: Congratulations to David for his meta-analysis on cardiovascular side effects of CAR T-cell therapies in JAMA network open!

08/2024: Congrats to Daniel Finke for the analysis of the ‚EASIX-Scores‘ in cardiological patients! ->

07/2024: Congratulations to Markus Heckmann for publication of his meta-transcriptomics analysis in BMC genomics ->

05/2024: See our latest coment to the ESC guideline on cardio-oncology ->

02/2024: Happy to see this out! Congratulation to Felix Korell and the whole team! In this publication, we check potential cardiac side effects of CAR T cells and the predictive value of cardiovascular parameters/biomarkers.

11/2023: Congratulations to Sebastian and his work on biomarkers in cardio-oncology! Click here for the publication!

09/2023: Congratulations to Leonard Schanze on successfully defending his PhD (Dr. med.)!!!

06/2023: Our work on biomarker-based risk stratification of patients with immunecheckpoint inhibitor associated myocarditis is just online at circulation. Congrats to all co-authors and collaborators!! The work was highlighted as ‚paper of the month‚ by the German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK)

05/2023: Please find our webinar on cardio-oncology, together with fantastic Teresa Lopez (Madrid) and Rudolf de Boer (Groningen), discussing the ESC Cardio-Oncology Guideline, Biomarkers in Cardio-Oncology and Immunecheckpoint inhibitor-associated myocarditis. ->

01/2023: The german pocket-guideline adapted from the current ESC-guideline is now online!-> download

11/2022: Just in time for the gift table… the first German-language book on Cardio-Oncology 🙂 -> Big thanks to the co-editors and all authors (!!!!) for a comprehensive overview about cardio-oncology with clinically relevant topics.

09/2022: see you online -> The oncological patient in the cathlab

04/2022: Congratulations to Daniel for receiving the Josef-Freitag-Foundation Science Award!

04/2022: Congrats to Benay for her review on preclinical and translational imaging in cardiooncology. In press in JMCC

01/2022: Congrats to Daniel! His work on cardiovascular comorbidity in cancer patients is now in press

12/2021: On saturday 12/11/21 Sebastian Romann will have a talk on the predictive value of cardiac troponin levels in cardio-onco patients at the cardiooncology innovation network (COIN)-summit

11/2021: Our review on cardiac metabolism in cancer disease is now online -> great overview by Daniel Finke.

11/2021: Checkout the cardio-oncology talks at the German Society of Cardiology (DGK), november the 25th at 6pm!

10/2021: We invite you to the ‚Heidelberg Dialog‚ on the topic of cardio-oncology on 16.11.2021. Zoom dial-in on request (mail).

09/2021: Congrats to Daniel for his paper in JMCC! He worked on the understanding of how conditional HDAC4 deletion alters the epigenome.

08/2021: Mohsen Valadan is a new postdoctoral fellow in our lab working on metabolic changes in the heart and how to treat heart failure by manipulating metabolic signals. Welcome to our lab!

08/2021: High-sensitivity cardiac troponin T is associated with mortality in cancer patients. More details ->

08/2021: Theresa Caspari ergänzt unser Labor-Team! Herzlich Wikommen!

08/2021: We are pleased to welcome Franziska Leibfarth, who is working on DNA double strand break repair as part of an internship. Welcome in our team!

05/2021: Just accepted in cancers, our recent project on investigating transcriptional changes in myocardial biopsies from patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated myocarditis. Seq-data download at EBI ->

05/2021: Our team is continuously growing! We have now Philipp, Jan and Georgi on board. They will work on clinical research question based on large datasets of our department!

03/2021: Our PhD-student Vighnesh is now on board with our team! Welcome!!

03/2021: Juliana Muniz joined our group and will support our clinical research team! Welcome to out team!

02/2021: Our PhD-Student Benay Eksi is our newest team-meber! Welcome!

02/2021: Natalie Klinger is our new technician! Welcome to our team!

01/2021: Open Positions: We are looking for a technician (->) and a Postdoc (->) . See details and apply!

10/2020: Congrats to Daniel and Sebastian for winning 2x the 2nd prize at the Young Investigator Award Session of the German Society of Cardiology (DGK)!!

09/2020: Open Positions: We are looking for PhD candidates who are interested in epigenetics and translational basic research projects (DFG funded). See details -> AND here ->